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Vestavia Hills Elementary East

Learning Without Limits

News from East from Cindy Echols 1/17/25

Posted Date: 1/17/25 (5:23 PM)

News from East
Friday, January 17, 2025
For your calendar
  • Schools closed Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
  • May Day Play Day has been changed from Monday, May 19 to Friday, May 16, 2025. Rain day is Tuesday, May 20. Please add this to your end of year dates.
Career Week 2025 at East
We have another exciting Career Week planned and will be having our first ever "career exploration in the stem lab" the week of January 27-31 with all classes. This will take place during students' regular STEM class time. 
pitch in
Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation
The Foundation has given over $1.8 Million to our school system, the Foundation is an asset that is essential to providing everything we expect for our students. I have included information below from the Foundation's Executive Director, Tait Stoddard.

My name is Tait Stoddard and I am the Executive Director of the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation. I am so excited that Pitch In is here! East will be “Pitching In” the week of January 27-31, 2025. Students will receive a cup on Friday, January 24. These cups for Pitch In are “mood” cups and they are theirs to keep. I think they are cute, and the kids will love them. 
The concept of this campaign is for the student to fill their cups with money (dollars, coins, or a check) and return filled cups to school to grow the Foundation’s endowment. Thank you so much for all you do for the children at East. Please help me get the students excited about PITCH IN!!!

There will be special groups in carpool each morning to promote the campaign and also dress up days.
Monday 1/27- VHHS Cheerleaders (Rebel Gear)
Tuesday 1/28- VHHS Baseball Team (Backwards Day)
Wednesday 1/29- VHHS Rockets (Crazy Socks)
Thursday 1/30- East Dads ($5 Pajama Day)
Friday 1/31- VHHS Boys Basketball (Favorite Jersey)
VHHS RISE Bow Fundraiser
We are excited to announce the RISE Smith’s Variety Mailbox Bow Fundraiser has begun! 
WHY? RISE is Vestavia Hills High School’s spring semester fundraiser for the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB. It is our goal to flood our community with red and blue mailbox bows to show our support for RISE. 
HOW? Pre-orders are now open and will continue through Friday, January 31. You can place your order by using the School Shares link below or by visiting the Vestavia Hills High School School Shares website. In honor of the 20th anniversary of Youth Leadership, each bow will be $20. 
WHEN? Bows will be delivered the week of February 24 by Youth Leadership students. You will be contacted closer to delivery date with specifics on when your bow is expected to be delivered.
 THANK YOU! If you have any questions you can contact Livy Duffey (205-306-5366 or, Mary Virginia Sweeney (, or Merryl Cooper ( Thanks so much for supporting RISE!

2025 classes begin January 27th

  • Mondays 6:00pm-7:00pm
Childcare provided with reservation
Vestavia Hills Methodist Church
2061 Kentucky Avenue
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
For more information:
Jill 205-532-2353 (English)
Randy 205-789-0553 (Spanish)

Las clases de 2025 comienzan el 27 de enero

  • LUNES 6:00PM-7:00PM

Cuidado de ninos con reserva previa

Para mas informacion:
Jill 205-532-2353 (Ingles)
Randy 205-789-0553 (para-Espanol)
East's Facebook
We are having a great time at school!
Proud to be an East EAGLE!! Empathy, Acceptance, Grit, Love Excellence -
Cindy Echols, Principal
(205) 402-5204