To build and strengthen a safe, supportive, and collaborative school culture to include a strong character education program and effective strategies so that all faculty, staff, students, parents and community see the school environments as safe, supportive, and orderly.
--This goal aligns with our district objective.
--Prior training of teachers in High Reliability School framework and researched practices.
—Positive results in relationships and behaviors due to the growth of our EAGLE character houses.
--Create student advisory panels to gather student input from a variety of subgroups, including minority students.
–Common school-wide expectations and language for behavior and relationships focused through the 5 core values.
–Mobile Mind and Safety training for all faculty and staff
--Weekly Broadcast & daily morning announcements focus
–EAGLE week focus on each core value for lessons and theme
--Continue and grow the regular practice of morning meetings in each classroom
--Enhance character house meetings to emphasize family groups, improve procedures, and increase service projects.
--Explore new strategies to improve character education program through visits to other sites (e.g., Bluff Park Elementary or the Ron Clark Academy, …)
--Implement the “Feel Your Best Self” puppet program in Kindergarten and 1st Grade to help young children cope with difficult emotions.
-- Enhance use of Eagle Ambassadors as leaders throughout the school to promote character and support of those in need.
PLT Collaboration
To provide effective, engaging and differentiated tiered instruction in every classroom.
--Our District Goal # 1 states that we will “ensure that students learn and demonstrate a profound understanding of knowledge and skills consistent with expectations of teachers, parents and the community, and ensure that students find value and meaning in the work provided to them.”
District “Pictures of Success” for this goal include:
--Teaching, learning, assessing, and grading are aligned.
--A wide range of assessment processes, variety, and choice that show mastery in learning is evident.
District “Expectations” for this goal include:
--Teachers adjust instruction based on what students say and need.
--Teacher collaboration is evident through common assessments and projects.
--High Reliability School training
–Implementation of VHEE Model on Instruction in every classroom
--LETRS Training
--Sound Wall Training
--Structures Training (4th/5th grades)
-- Carry out Instructional Rounds to identify best instructional practices and areas of strength and growth through teacher observation and collaboration
–During Professional Learning Team meetings, with the help of our Reading Coach, develop effective tools and strategies for intervention as well as a common time for daily Tier 2 intervention in each grade and spend at least one PLT meeting per month discussing.
--Implement, and document (through SST) effective, consistent Tier 2 teaching strategies and data collection in every classroom
–Create common formative assessments during PLT meetings